What is a PMS Number?

The Pantone Matching System (PMS) is way for printers and print buyers to communicate very particular colors for offset printing. A PMS number is simply a number in this system that designates a certain color for production. For example, 288 Blue is a very common PMS Number in company logos. When these companies create print ready files that include their logo, a designer will set the blue in the file to PMS 288 Blue. When the production facility receives the file and prepares it for print, they will configure the production process to hit this PMS number using a spot color for this area ensuring the final production will meet the customer’s color specs.

The PMS, or Pantone Matching System, is a very important system that allows printers to produce the right coloring per the customer’s request. If a PMS number is not specified in the file, then a mixture of cyan, magenta, yellow and black will be used to create the blue color. While this mixture will produce results that are close, the PMS number is really the only way to hit a color target.

PMS colors are not reserved for logos. They can be used anywhere you feel like having a particular color produced. Just remember to have your designer set it up in the file that way. If you’re looking to expand your brand’s reach with promotional materials, check out our Print and Promotional Product. Don’t have a designer that can create print ready files? Explore our Online Store for a range of design solutions. Send them our way and we will set them up for you! Making sure print ready files are set correctly is the first and most important step on the way to great results!

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